Wednesday, 25 May 2011

What's the difference between these two dogs?




The first photo is of a Collie in England, the second is of one in Romania.The only difference is,if the first one was seen on the street, he would more likely be rescued,fed,cared for and rehomed.

If the second one was seen on the streets,he would be shot with a dart,strangled with a wire , his faced stamped on to keep his head down,beaten,tortured,dragged into a back of a van,eithet beaten to death in the back of that van, or be taken to a what is laughingly called a shelter, starved,dehydrated,and if he doesnt die from his wounds,starvation, dehydration or disease (because of the conidtions in that shelter), he will finally be dragged along a concrete path where he will be killed normally by the cheapest methods possible..That would be brutal force by a human hand, boot, stick,metal pipe....

The only difference between these two dogs, is the country they live in and what the government of that country not only allows but promotes!

Thursday, 19 May 2011

Romanian Law (Animal welfare 2001) - English Translation

(OFFICIAL MONITOR, No. 794 from December 13, 2001)

Art. 1. – The local councils of the administrative-territorial units have the obligation to set up within 30 days since the adoption of this emergency resolution and in accordance with their necessities, their own services specialized in the administration of stray dogs.
Art. 2. – (1) The local councils of the administrative-territorial units have the obligation to build from their own founds, according to annex no.1, shelters for the stray dogs as well as for the dogs that walk in public places without an owner.
(2) Tthe local councils have the obligation to hire one veterinary doctor and one veterinary technical assistant for the evidence, supervision and the veterinary medical assistance and the performance of any sanitary veterinary actions in accordance with the legislation.
(3) If it is possible, the specialized services may be concession according with the existing legislation.
Art.3. – (1) The shelters that belong to the animal protection organizations and foundations can keep the dogs but only after neutering, anti-rabies vaccination and tagging.
(2) This shelters are obliged to have ensured through a contract, veterinary medical assistance.
Art. 4. – The stray dogs will be captured and taken into shelters, where they will be kept 14 days, respecting the regulations presented in Annex 1 and Annex 2.
Art. 5. – (1) After being examined by the veterinary doctor, chronic suffering or incurables will be killed through euthanasia as soon as they arrive in shelters, according to the regulations of this emergency resolution.
(2) The euthanasia is an act of sacrificing the old, ill dogs or those that have not been adopted according to the regulations of this resolution, using nonpainful
and rapid methods.
Art. 6. – (1) The euthanasia of the dogs is done only by veterinary doctors that have the free practice certificate given by The College of Veterinary Doctors, respecting the regulations of Annex 3.
(2) It is forbidden that the killing of the dogs to be done by other persons or methods besides those stipulated in Annex 3.
Art. 7. – (1) If the dogs have not been adopted or claimed according to Annexes 4 and 5 within 14 days, as it is stipulated in article 4, they will be killed through euthanasia.
(2) While they are sheltered, the claiming requests are to be solved with priority
(3) The dogs that have not been claimed within 7 days can be adopted by individuals or the adoption centers especially organized for this purpose.
Art. 8. – (1) The dogs can be adopted only after they have been sterilized, antirabies vaccinated, cleaned of parasites and identified by both methods simultaneous: marking and the dog collar with locket. The claimed dogs will not be sterilized.
(2) The claiming and the adoption of the dogs will be made on the base of an application and commitment statement, according to Annex no. 4 an no.5 and paying a fee that includes the medical and sheltering expenses, the sum being established through the decision of the local council.
Art. 9. – The bodies of the killed through euthanasia animals or collected in the street will be cremated and it is forbidden to use them for obtaining leather, fats, meat, protein flour and other products.
Art. 10. - All this specialized services will be equipped with special registers approved by the official veterinary doctor of the area, and will contain the following: the capturing date, the date and hour of entering the shelter, the characteristics of each animal, the number of dogs caught, claimed, adopted, killed through euthanasia, the reason for euthanasia, the used substa nce and the name of the person who did the euthanasia, the tagging number, the adoption file number, the date of anti-rabies vaccination, the sterilization date, the date of handing the dead bodies to the societies that are in charge of the cremation, as well as the name of the persons who did this operations.
Art. 11. - The operations of collecting, sheltering, vaccination, cleaning of parasites, sterilization, adoption and euthanasia, will take place with the participation of representatives of animal protection organizations, in case they request it, and following a preset schedule.
Art. 12. - The services for the administration of the stray dogs have the obligation to inform monthly the local veterinary agencies and city halls the number of registered dogs and the marking number. All the data will be centralized at national level by the National Sanitary Veterinary Agency.
Art. 13. - It is forbidden to participate or organize dog fights or inflict any pain or suffering upon dogs.
Art. 14. - The following acts are considered illegal and are punished as it follows:
a) the violation of the regulations established at art.1, art.2 align. (1), art. 3, art. 4, art. 6 align. (1), art. 7 align. (2), art. 8 align. (1), art. 9 and 10, as well as the conditions stipulated in the commitment declaration, with a fine of 10 000000 lei to 25000000 lei;
Art. 15. - The sanitary veterinary inspectors are in charge of applying the punishments for the mentioned violations.
Art. 16. - The violations presented at art. 14 are to be sanctioned by the government resolution no. 2/2001.



A. Animal hosting.
1. The animals should be separated in order to reduce stress inflicted upon them and to be able to control diseases.
2. The animals will be separated as it follows:
a) state of health
b) age
c) sex
d) aggressiveness
Females that have puppies will be hosted together with them.
3. The floors should be sloped with the leaking of the water towards the exterior side or towards the sewerage. They have to be made out of cement which is watertight and can be cleaned and disinfected easily.
4. The walls between the caves need to have at least 185 cm high and have to stop the water run and the excrements from one kennel to another.
5. The materials used for the kennels walls can be:
a) plastered or painted brick;
b) iron-concrete;
c) concrete;
d) wire mesh;
6. Over the separating walls will be placed a wire mesh 60 cm high.
7. The outside kennels could be made out of mesh supported by metal or wood pillars.
8. The shelter should have draining system and proper installations to deposit the loaded daily wasted products. The existent draining system of each running ground should stop the contamination with urine or other excrements of the other running grounds.
9. There needs to be a control of the heat, ventilation and humidity, in order to assure the comfort of the puppies, the personnel and the visitors.
10. The whole area with kennels should contain some mean of ventilation either using ventilators or windows that can be opened.
11. It is obligatory that the outside kennels are covered. All running grounds must have fences and gates with locks in order to stop the unauthorized running of the dogs.

B. The hosting and medical care area
1. The individual kennels should have the next measurements:
a) for big dogs: 120cm x160cm or 1,92 sq m;
b) medium size dogs: 110cm x 148cm or 1,92 sq m;
c) small dogs: 91cm x122cm or 1,10 sq m
d) joint kennels must not shelter more than 4 dogs on a surface of 6,5 sq m.
2. The surrounded areas should have:
a) drinkable water
b) the drinking bowls should be daily cleaned and disinfected, and each time a new dog is brought in the kennel;
c) the bowls for feeding should be placed so that dogs cannot urinate in them and to be easily cleaned and disinfected.
d) if the areas are not heated, it is obligatory to place inside the kennels wood boards for resting and beds;
e) for the puppies will be used blankets, towels and cardboards boxes which can be easily cleaned and disinfected;
3. The personnel should have enough space for working.
4. The reception area should correspond to the adoption procedures.
5. The euthanasia room places where the bodies are put will not be accessible to the public, and as much as it is possible plastic bags are to be used.
6. Each shelter will own one surgery room or more, by respecting the sanitary veterinary norms. In these rooms the dogs will be castrated or killed through euthanasia.

C. Disease control
1. Each animal will be daily clinically examined and each medical event will be registered in the individual and the centralized record.
2. The examination will be done by the veterinary doctor or by the technician when the doctor is not available.
3. Each team member will be trained in order to recognize any signs of sickness and to alert the veterinary personnel.

D. Feeding the dogs and cleaning the shelters
1. Puppies between 6 and 12 weeks old will be fed 3 times a day and dogs between 12 weeks and 12 months will be fed twice a day. The dogs over one year old will be fed twice a day.
2. The food has to be always fresh. The food will be administered individually and under supervision.
3. All the kennels, boxes and the closed areas will be daily washed with water and with efficient disinfectant.
4. Each kennel will be cleaned and disinfected before the arrival of a new dog.
5. During disinfections the animals contact with water or disinfectants will be avoided.
E. The vehicles
1. Each shelter should posses one or more vehicles to capture the dogs.
2. The vehicles should offer safety, security, protection against the weather conditions and proper ventilation. Each animal should have a separate cage. There has to be also a separate cage for the sick or dead dogs.
3. The vehicles should be cleaned and visible marked with the name of the service and the telephone number.
4. The vehicle should posses the following equipment: mesh, ladder, metal or fiberglass cages, tools for catching, first aid case.
5. Drivers should be trained to grant first aid to the sick animals.
6. The euthanasia of the dogs inside the vehicles is forbidden but it is allowed to tranquilize the suffering dogs.



A. The capturing of the dogs.
1. The dogs will be captured by trained specialized personnel of the local councils.
2. The dogs will not be captured using a brutal manner. The personnel in charge of capturing dogs will be obligatory anti-rabies vaccinated.
3. The capturing personnel will work in teams of two persons plus the driver of the vehicle and will be wearing protection equipment.
4. The qualified personnel could catch the dogs with special sticks or meshes. It will be used special sticks represented by canes with locks, which can easily slide or tighten around the neck of the dog.
This stalk can allow the qualified person to keep distance from the dog and manipulate them better. The stalks have some devices to fix the lock to the proper breadth, in order to avoid the animal strangling and with fast starting machinery in order to release the dog in case of emergency, or when he is put in a kennel. The dogs can also be captured by using trap kennels. In these kennels is introduced food and they have mobile doors that will automatically close after the animal enters.
5. The very aggressive dogs situated in not accessible areas or suspected to have rabies can be immobilized by using arrow weapons. The capture weapons are using the carbonic pressed gas or percussion bullets for the propulsion of some syringes or arrows that allow the dog injection with some immobilizing products.
6. It will be used hydro chlorine of Ketamine and Xylozina. It is recommended the two of them to be mixed and injected intramuscularly for a five minutes effect.
7. Another efficient substance association – etorfina with acepromazina- can be used respecting the existent legislation in the field.
8. The capturing weapons cannot be used in catching the puppies as they may be badly injured.

B. The transportation of the dogs.
1. Mild dogs can be transported to the shelters in closed vehicles lorry type. They will be put in individual cages.
2. It will be used a system that reduces to a minimum the direct manipulation of the dogs.
3. The animal kennels must be chosen according to the animal size. The kennel has to be always longer than the animal size.
These kennels should be manufactured out of solid materials to resist long-term use. Plastic kennels can be also used.
4. The vehicles should be well ventilated and protect animals against weather conditions.

1. It is recommended to be killed through euthanasia only the animals that have not been claimed or adopted. Euthanasia is also recommended for not treatable animals.
2. A veterinary doctor does the euthanasia.
3. The dog euthanasia is done using barbiturates, which are injected in the veins after the dog has lost consciousness through anesthesia. The dogs will be assisted until their death occurs. The barbiturates are not to be administered inter muscular or under the skin. Narcotic products can be administered orally as well.
4. The veterinary doctor is the only one who has access to barbiturates and who can decide whether or not to use dangerous drugs.
5. The veterinary doctor is the only one who has access to barbiturates and who can decide whether or not to use dangerous drugs.

LOCAL COUNCIL......................................................

I the undersigned.............................resident no......................... employed.............. tel no.................. possessor of B.I..................series ................... I commit to adopt the dog with the marking number.................... sheltered by the Service of supervising the stray dogs, under the following conditions:
1. to respect the rules of feeding and taking care of the animal
2. to take the dog to the veterinary doctor periodically to be anti-rabies vaccinated or if it is needed.
3. to inform the service for animal surveillance in case the death or giving away of the dog.
4. not to abandon the dog, and in case I do not want it anymore to return it to the Service of stray dogs surveillance;
5. to pay the fee to the Service of stray dogs surveillance, fee that includes the medical and sheltering expenses for the dog.

The person who is adopting The representative of the Service of the Stray Dogs Surveillance


The subscribed society…………………., with the premises in…………., street…………….., No…, sector/ county………………, telephone number, registered at the Office of Commerce Register…………under the no. ………………., represented by………… as………, with the I.C series……, no. …….., released by………, date…………., commits to adopt a number
of………..dogs, identified with the tagging numbers……….., sheltered by the Service of administering the stray dogs, under the following circumstances:
1. to respect the norms of caring and feeding the dog;
2. to present the dog to a veterinary cabinet, in case it is needed or it has to be anti rabies vaccinated;
3. to announce the Service of administering the stray dogs, in case the dog dies or given away;
4. not to abandon the dog and if I do not want it anymore to give it to the Service of administering the stray dogs;
5. to pay the fee for the medical expenses and sheltering.

Romanian Law (Animal welfare) - English Translation

Law no. 205/2004 modified and completed
through law no.9/2008 concerning animals protection
(become effective at January 15, 2008)
De vazut “incalcare” traducere

Chapter 1
General dispositions
Art.1 - (1)This law stipulate necessary measures to assure conditions of life and welfare of the animals with or without owner.
(2) Managing of the stray dogs population from the territory of Romania is made by specific legislation.
Art. 2 - Through this law, animals keeper means the owner, the person that keep an animal with any available title, as well as any physical or juridical person who care the animal
Art. 3 - Animal owners have the obligation to ensure the application of the sanitary veterinary and zoo hygiene laws concerning the sheltering, feeding, caring, reproduction, exploitation and those concerning animals protection and welfare.
Art. 4 - The owners have the obligation to have a behavior without brutality against animals, to assure the elementary conditions necessary to the breeding as well as to not abandon or to turn out the animals.
Art.5 - (1) Animals owners have the obligation to provide for the animals, considering their ethologic, specie, race, sex, age, production category, the following:
  1. a proper shelter
  2. enough food and water
  3. enough space to move
  4. carre and attention
  5. medical assistance
(2) For animal owners is forbidden to apply bad treatments and cruelties.
Art. 6 - (1) Through this law, bad treatment means brutal behavior, abusing to use animals, supposing the animals to inutile efforts and not assure the conditions of article 5, paragraph (1)
(2) Through this law, cruelty against animals means:
  1. killing animals, with intention
  2. practicing the animals shooting on domestic or wild animals
  3. organizing fights between or with animals
  4. using alive animals to train animals or control their aggressive behavior
  5. using animals for exhibitions, shows, advertising, films or similar purposes if these activities entail to the animals physical or psychical suffering, diseases or wounds
  6. abandoning an animal of whom existence depends on man’s care
  7. administer substances to stimulate physical capacities of the animals, during competitions, as doping
  8. mistreating and torturing of the animals
  9. surgical operations for the purpose of modifying the appearance of a pet animal or for other non curative purposes: the docking of tails, the cropping of ears, devocalization, declawing and defanging.
  10. entailing physical or psychological suffering through different ways
  11. separating the puppies of their mom during the first eight weeks of life
  12. catching of animals by another methods than the legal ones
  13. using of tranquilizer guns for another situation than to immobilize the animals
Art. 6’ - The abandon is to leave an animal who is in charge of humane propriety and care, on public domain, without food, shelter and medical treatment.
Art. 7 - Animals used in experimental purposes must have specific protection norms, without cause unnecessary suffering.
Art.7’ - It is prohibit the euthanasia of dogs, cats or other animals, excepting animals with incurable maladies, ascertained by veterinary doctor.
Art. 8 - (1) National Sanitary Veterinary and Food Safety Authority* represents the national authority concerning animal protection.
(2) Conditions of keeping, sheltering and care of the animals are settled through an Order of National Sanitary Veterinary and Food Safety Authority President.
Conditions concerning animal’s keeping
Art. 9 - (1) Animals owners can keep wild animals, in conformity with the law, only if they are authorized by the Sanitary Veterinary and Food Safety Direction of the county respectively of the Bucharest.
(2) Conditions for keeping wild animals are settled by the order of minister of Agriculture, Forests and Rural Development at the proposal of National Sanitary Veterinary and Food Safety Authority.
(3) The owners can keep wild animals for a determined period in view of care and physical recover, for the animals who are in dangerous from survival point of view, with the National Sanitary Veterinary and Food Safety Authority agreement.
Art. 10 - (1) Animals’ owners have the obligation to care and to adequately treat a sick or hurt animal.
(2) National Veterinary Authority can order the slaughtering or the killing of a sick or hurt animal for sparing it of unnecessary physical or psychical sufferance, within the conditions settled through a order of the president of National Sanitary Veterinary and Food Safety Authority.
(3) The foresights from paragraphs (1) and (2) are not applied for the animals used in scientific purposes or in other experimental purposes.
Art. 11 - Animal owners who selects an animal for reproduction(breeding) have the obligation to respect the anatomical, physiologi­cal and behaviou­ral characteristics of the species and race, thus the performances, the health and the welfare of the offspring should be not compromised.
Art. 12 - The person who contribute at in training of an animal have the obligation to use training ways that will not cause physical or psychological traumas as well as to use methods which are not detrimental to health or welfare of the animal.
Conditions concerning animals trade, animals transport as well as using the animals in advertising purpose, shows, exhibitions, competitions and similar events
Art. 13 - National Sanitary Veterinary and Food Safety Authority from consideration concerning animal protection and conservation of the species from the Romanian territory, can impose some conditions, as well as limit or prohibit import, export, transit and trade of the animals, taking into consideration the community settlements.
Art. 14 - (1) Transporters have the obligation to transport the animals in adequate conditions, function of species, physiologi­cal state, sex, age, production category, to avoid harming or physical and/or psychological exhausting of the animals.
(2) Conditions concerning animals’ transportation are settled through the order of the president of National Sanitary Veterinary and Food Safety Authority.
Art. 15 - Animals can be used in advertising purpose, in shows, exhibitions, competitions or other similar events, only if:
a) the organizer assure the conditions mentioned at the art.5;
b) the animals' health and welfare are not put at risk.
Art. 16 - (1) During the competitions or with other occasions it is forbidden to administrate substances to the animals or to use any procedures for the purpose of increasing or decreasing its natural level of perfor­mance.
(2) Commission for organizing the competitions and/or arbitration will obligatory include a representative of animals protection organizations.
Surgical operations
Art. 17 - (1) The animals are subjected to surgical interventions only in motivated cases
(2) Surgical interventions can be carried out under local or general anesthesia, and only by the veterinarians.
(2¹) Surgical interventions have to be be carried out in authorized places, excepting the situations when the intervention has to be made in the place where the animal is.
(3) Medical interventions which can produce pain to animal shall be carried out by a veterianian.
Art. 18 - Exceptions from art 17, paragraph (2) in cases of animals used for scientific purposes or another experimental purposes, surgeries or other treatments can be made by another persons who have necessary qualify.
Sacrificing and killing of animals
Art. 19 - The animals will not be subjected to the useless suffering in case of sacrificing or killing.
Art. 20 - Sacrificing and killing of animals will be made in accordance with the specific laws.
Art. 21 - The dispositions of the article 20 are not applied to the animals that, because of accidents or illness, have to be immediately sacrificed of killed.
Using of animals in scientific or experimental purposes
Art. 22 - Animals can be used for scientific researches, diagnosing of an illness, producing of some medicines or biological products when the purpose of the activity cannot be reached through other methods that don’t supposed using of the animals
Art. 23 - (1) There are considered contraventions the following facts:
a) inobservance of art 12 dispositions;
 b) inobservance of art. 5, paragraph (1) dispositions
c) suppose an animal to bad treatments
 d) inobservance of art.26, paragraph (3)
e) suppose an animal to cruelties

(1)’ There are constituting penal offenses the following facts:
a) keeping and trading of wild animals by not authorized physical or juridical persons, excepting of zoos;
b) using the animals for mendicity, in view of getting undeserved benefits
c) facts mentioned at article 6
d) organizing fights between or with animals
e) using alive animals to train other animals or to control their aggressiveness

(2) The contraventions settled at paragraph (1) are sanctioned as follow:

a) those from letter a) with fine from 800 lei (about 200 Euro) to 1000 lei (about 250 Euro)
b) those from letter b) – e) with fine from 1000 lei (about 250 Euro) to 1500 lei (about 400 Euro)
(3) The penal offences from paragraph 1’ are punish**:
  1. those from letter a) with prison from one month to one year or with penal fine from 500 lei (about 125 Euro) to 10 000 (about 2500 Euro) and animals are being confiscated.
  2. those from letter b) with prison from 3 months to one year or with penal fine from 500 lei (about 125 Euro ) to 6000 lei (about 1500 Euro) and animals are being confiscated.
  3. those from letter c) with prison from 6 months to 3 years or with penal fine from 1000 lei (250 Euro) to 10 000 (2500 Euro) and animal’s confiscate.
  4. those from letter d) with prison from 3 months to one year or with penal fine from 1000 lei (250 Euro) la 2000 lei (500 Euro) and animal’s confiscate;
  5. those from letter e) with prison from 3 months to one year or with penal fine from 500 lei (125 Euro) to 2000 lei (500 Euro) and animal’s confiscate.
Art. 24 - In cases of committing for two times of facts from art. 23 paragraph (1) lit (a) and (b) by the animals’ owner, next to the contravention fine, the animals are confiscated. In this case, all animals will be accommodated in shelters of the local councils, in view of adoptions or to turn to account, in law conditions.
Art. 24’ - In case of a penal offence is found out, the law court can dispose to owner prohibit to keep animals for a period of 5 years.
Art. 25 - (1) Finding of the contraventions and applying of the sanctions are made by authorized persons from National Sanitary Veterinary and Food Safety Authority and from Ministry of Administration and Interior.
(2) The offender can pay offhand or within maximum 48 hours since the date of official report signing, or after case, since the date of announcing it, half from the minimum fine mentioned at art. 23 paragraph (2); the agent has to mention this possibility in the official report.
(3) The dispositions of the Government Ordinance no 2/2001 concerning the juridical regime of contraventions, approved by the Law no.180/2002, are applicable for the contraventions mentioned at the art. 23.
Final dispositions
Art. 26 - (1) National Sanitary Veterinary and Food Safety Authority, Ministry of Administration and Interior, through specialized institutions, with animals protection organizations are supervising the apply of this law.
(2) To aplly the dispositions of the present law, the persons authorized in accordance with their attributions from National Sanitary Veterinary and Food Safety Authority and Ministry of Administration and Interior, have access in buildings, shelters and other places where the animals are kept, as well as, the right to ask for any information and documents necessary for controlling and to take proofs in view of research and laboratory analysis.
(3) In case when the animals are kept at the residence of the owners, the access of the persons mentioned at paragraph (2) in this space is made with the owner’s approval. Failing an agreement access, the animal owner is obliged to prove he respects the dispositions from article 5.
Art. 26’ - Methodological Norms to apply the present law are approved within 60 days, by a common Order of Administration and Interior minister, and National Sanitary Veterinary and Food Safety Authority, with consulting of animals protection organizations representatives.
Art. 27 - Orders from article 8, paragraph (2), article 9, paragraph (2), and article 14 paragraph (2) are issued within a period of 6 months from the publication date of the present law in Official Monitory of Romania, Part. 1.
Art. 27’ - (1) The Radio and Romanian televisions are promoting programmes of animals protection.
(2) Ministry of Education, Research and Youth, within the civic education classes, will promote actions of animals protection.
Art. 28 - The present law will become effective 10 days after the date of its publishing in Official Monitory of Romania, Part I.

* in conformity with art.6 from din Government Ordinance no. 42/2004, approved by Law no. 215/2004, National Sanitary Veterinary and Food Safety Authority is settled through reorganizing of Romanian Agency for Food Safety, of National Sanitary Veterinary Agency from the Ministry of Agriculture, Forests and Rural development, and also of some structure from the same Ministry.
** Euro - lei currency conversion rate- Lei at April 2009 (1 Euro=about 4 lei)